Category Archives: Consultations

A580 East Lancashire Road Active Travel Route – St Helens

Closing date: Monday 27 November 2023.

The A580 East Lancashire Road Active Travel Route sets out the outline proposals which includes upgrading the existing shared surface pedestrian and cycle pathways to a protected cycle route with separated pedestrian footway, with some sections of shared surfaces. We are also proposing junction upgrades throughout the length of the route, with the potential removal of the footbridge located immediately east of the Kenyons Lane South junction, following the installation of a dedicated road level signalised controlled crossing. Alongside this, implementation of the Outline Design will require amendments to the existing speed limit along the A580 to achieve compliance with design standards.

These outline proposals are at an early design stage, with no implementation funding or delivery timescales currently secured. However, we are asking you to help us shape the project and have your say about the proposals at this early stage to ensure our emerging scheme meets the needs of the communities it will serve.

Should anyone like to meet in person, the Council and design team are holding a series of in-person drop-in sessions attended by Council Officers at the following locations. Please do therefore come along to discuss the proposals. 

In person drop-in session for everyone (residents, businesses, visitors, stakeholders etc)

Costco, Haydock, Andover Rd, Haydock, Saint Helens WA11 9FA on Tuesday 14 November 2023 from 17:00 to 19:00

Consultation on the Liverpool Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

End date:  Monday 13th November 2023

To help encourage more cycling and walking Liverpool City Council is to develop an accessible and connected cycling and walking route network. The first step in achieving this is through the development of a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. An LCWIP is a document that highlights where new or improved cycling and walking facilities would be most beneficial within an area. 

Once agreed, these routes and areas will be the priority for improvements in the future, although as improvements are developed and routes are looked at in more detail, it is possible different alignments will be selected from those shown here, but linking to the same places.

Consultations in Merseyside

Childwall-Wavertree-Centre Active Travel route consultation
Liverpool City Council is asking the public for their feedback on the proposed active travel route, which would run from Childwall through Wavertree and into the city centre.
Download a PDF of the plans here
Fill in the consultation form here
Consultation closes: Monday 31 July 2023

20mph in the Wirral
Wirral Borough Council is consulting on new 20mph speed limit schemes with the public being asked for their views on the proposals.
These schemes will cover the roads in residential areas and parts of roads running through suburban district centres.
More information here:

Lark Lane questionnaire
Liverpool City Council has secured £750,000 of funding for redeveloping Lark Lane and there is now a questionnaire for people to make their suggestions on the scheme.
The information provided will help the city council produce a draft design for the redevelopment of the Lane. This will be followed by a wider consultation to see what people think of the draft design and any changes that are needed.

Outcome of Consultation on Pop Up Cycle Lanes

Liverpool City Council (LCC) have published a report that details the results of the public consultation undertaken for converting “pop up” cycle lane routes to permanent cycle lane routes.

Following consultation, the recommendation is to proceed with the implementation of two permanent cycle lanes.

LCC approved the conversion of the “pop up” cycle routes on West Derby Road and Sefton Park into permanent routes, in order to allow detailed plans to be further developed and funding to be sought for Sefton Park route and continuation of the West Derby Road route.
Additional public engagement for Liverpool Loop North route will be done before a decision is made. This will be scheduled for Summer 2023 and reported back to cabinet in Autumn 2023.

The routes are –
Liverpool Loop North (Vauxhall Road/Commercial Road/Stanley Road)
West Derby Road (Farnworth Street – Muirhead Avenue)
Sefton Park (Sefton Park – Crown Street – Towerlands Street)

The schemes for West Derby Road and Liverpool Loop North will continue to be developed and detailed design carried out, as funding becomes available. Discussions are taking place to secure funding for Sefton Park route and it is hoped that this will become available within the next twelve months.

Wirral active travel schemes consultation

Birkenhead Road

Closing date: 21 December 2022

Wirral Council would like feedback on proposals to introduce a package of highway measures and environmental improvements along Birkenhead Road, Seacombe Ward.

The proposals include an upgraded segregated pedestrian footway and cycle track along the east side of Birkenhead Road (between Kelvin Road and Seacombe View).

Price Street

Closing date: 21 December 2022

The proposals are to improve walking and cycling facilities on and around Price Street, Bidston and St. James Ward.

The proposals include a new 3 metre wide, two-way, segregated cycleway along Beaufort Road with a “Tiger Crossing” incorporating a pedestrian zebra and cycling crossing facility.

Charing Cross and Grange Road Active Travel Scheme

Closing date: 22 January 2023

Wirral Council has received a £2.969 million funding package from the UK Governments Future High Streets Fund, it is proposing to use this funding to make improvements on Grange Road, within the Charing Cross junction and on Grange Road West.