About Us

Merseyside Cycling Campaign was set up in 1985 to campaign for better and safer space for cycling.

The committee members are currently:
Chair: Eddy Taylor
Media: Don Thompson
Campaign Secretary: Andrew Grimbly
Membership Secretary: Jack Davies
Treasurer: Peter Roome
Technical Officer – Design: Roland Graham
Technical Officer – Planning: Eddy Taylor
MCC general email merseysidecyclingcampaign@hotmail.co.uk

Social media
Facebook @merseycycle
Twitter @merseycyclists
Instagram @merseycycle

Membership is open to anyone – cyclist or not – who supports our aims and objectives for safer cycling, traffic calming and a better, healthier environment!

How can I help?
We are a not for profit organisation run by volunteers, but we do have running costs to cover. A donation to MCC would be most appreciated.

Set up a regular £3 per month donation to MCC

Make a one-off £10 donation