Online Donations

We now accept payments or donations to the cycling campaign via a simple online bank transfer using This is a safe and convenient way to support the campaign.
Unlike commonly used online donation systems like for example PayPal expects you to type in your sort code and account number instead of a credit or debit card number. The payment is not instant and uses a one-off authorised direct debit transfer but saving us the higher card payment fees. Don’t worry, we will not be able to take further donations from you without your authorisation. Please consult for further details.

Please find the donation button on the Membership page or use the button to the right.

2 thoughts on “Online Donations”

  1. How can I make a regular direct debit payment each month? Surprisingly, I can’t find out how to give to you on a regular basis


    1. Thank you for your generous offer, Tim. We were actually planning to set this up, so that you can make a regular payment. Please watch this space. For explanation: We’re using, which takes payments for us through direct debit. The cost is 1% per payment, cheaper than the widely used competitors. However we can only offer a limited range of payment options, but we will add more.

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