Fender Lane Mass Ride

Saturday 18 June 2022 – 9.30am
Well… Wirral Council recently completed a fantastic new cycle route on Fender Lane. We want to say ‘thank you’ so we’re planning a group ride to show them that we mean it.
Local riders young and old are welcome to join the fun. Please gather from 9.30am. At 10am we will depart from the Bidston Station end of the route and ride into Moreton – once around Moreton Cross Roundabout then back along Fender Lane to our starting point.
Aside from showing our gratitude we want to spread the word that we want more safe routes like this. Routes that connect us to our friends, family and places of work.
See you there on the 18th June! Please spread the word far and wide to all who care about safe, sustainable transport


Bidston Station has two sets of steps from the platform, with no lift. The nearest step free access is Birkenhead North, lifts available then quick and quiet ride to Bidston Station.